A field with about large number of wells, all equipped with electric submersible pumps (ESPs), was developed. ESPs are used to increase wellhead pressure, to overcome backpressure from surface facilities and to lift wells at a later stage when water cut increases. ESPs are selected as the primary artificial lift mechanism as it provides the highest differential pressure and system reliability when compared to other methods. For this field, a comparison study between the applicable artificial lift methods indicated ESPs are the most economical option.

This paper will describe the ESP equipment selection process, completion schematic and installation process. The paper will then discuss several challenges encountered during the ESP installation, precommissioning and commissioning, in addition to solutions implemented to overcome these challenges.

Examples of the technical and operational challenges encountered during the equipment design and selection process include well environment such as corrosion; well control regulations, especially requirements for physical barriers between the hydrocarbon formation and casing annulus; production engineering requirements to allow well intervention without damaging the formation; and the difficulties encountered during ESP installation and startup, such as wellhead penetrator damage, ESP system electrical integrity degradation, and difficulties starting-up ESPs due to high initial reservoir pressure.

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