A successful trial of the Gas Well Stimulant WS-1200 was recently completed on a gas well with high Condensate-Gas Ratio (CGR) and producing below the dew point to treat fluid blockage in Saudi Arabia. The treatment consisted of pumping from a surface 2 wt% active solution in common organic solvents that solubilizes and/or displaces the brine and condensate that are present in the near wellbore region of a fluid blocked well. After bullheading the treatment into the well, it was chased with two equivalents of nitrogen gas. The well was shut-in over night for the treatment to react and then the well was opened to flow and clean out. A test separator was connected to measure the flow at surface and compare the flow after the treatment. Several days were required after opening the well to back-produce the solvents and evaluate the well through the test separator until stabilization was acquired. The well was put back online and continued monitoring production for several months. Just prior to injection of the chemical treatment, the well was producing ~1.5 MMSCFD and ~275 BOD. Within five days of concluding the injection, the well was producing ~2.7 MMSCFD and ~1,000 BOD and in an increasing trend. The well was left in production with only the wellhead temperature (WHT) and wellhead pressure (WHP) being monitored on an ongoing basis. After three months of production, the well rate was again measured through a separator at similar conditions and found to be ~2.85 MMSCFD and ~1,152 BOD, a sustained improvement of 83% in gas production and a 313% improvement in oil production. In light of initial encouraging results, similar chemical treatments are planned in other sandstone reservoirs with similar problems.