In recent publications, it has been observed that shale gas wells behave like a linear dual porosity system. In this paper, a linear dual porosity model is utilized assuming matrix rock as the main primary porosity that feeds a hydraulic fracture, which acts as a secondary porosity system and primary flow conduit. The paper demonstrates the practical application of the type curve analysis method for shale gas and shale oil published by Abdulal, Samandarli and Wattenbarger (2011). The technique utilizes the actual well performance to obtain a type curve match that allows determination of the parameters required to quickly determine the completion/fracture effectiveness and allow projection of the long-term well production performance.
In this paper, the ideal application of the type curve method with calculation procedures is presented with two actual field examples. Field Case 1 demonstrates the type curve matching followed by the procedure used to calculate dual porosity parameters like effective fracture permeability, drainage volume and the area of the interfaces between the hydraulic fractures and the rock matrix. These parameters can be used to evaluate the well completion with its associated hydraulic fracture effectiveness. Field Case 2 is included to illustrate the method limitations and potential pitfalls when applying this type curve approach.