The use of proppant combined with various additives, as a mean to control proppant flowback in propped hydraulic fracturing treatments, has gained a wide support in the industry. A screenless hydraulic fracturing treatment has been applied as an acceptable completion strategy to mitigate sand production and/or production increase in non-associated gas reservoirs in Saudi Arabia. Understanding the parameters that maximize the life of propped hydraulic fracturing applications is very crucial in controlling sand production and maximizing gas/oil production.

This paper discusses the roles of closure stress, temperature, curing time and carrier fluids in attaining a maximum strength of the new systems compared to other additives following a propped hydraulic fracturing treatment. Also, the conductivity of RCP by itself and in combination with other additives has also been evaluated.

The study results showed that all the independent variables play important roles in achieving an appreciable increase in compressive strength of the new system in comparison with other additives. Also, the new system out-performed the other additives as it shows no reduction in conductivity experienced by proppant/fibers system. The application of this new system in the field confirmed our laboratory findings as it showed better productivity compared with the offset well treated with other additives.

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