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Keywords: probability distribution
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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Russian Petroleum Technology Conference, October 26–29, 2020
Paper Number: SPE-201985-MS
... a probability distribution of the objective function according to uncertainties in input data the stochastic Monte-Carlo simulation and "Latin hypercube" technique were used. Due to high dimensionality of the problem, heuristic optimization methods have been used to solve the optimization task. A proxy model...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration and Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, October 16–18, 2012
Paper Number: SPE-162074-MS
... experimental data have indicated that the probability distribution of neutrons is governed by Poisson's law [ 1 ] and allows the use of the maximum likelihood method (MLM) for experimental data fitting [ 2 ] with a substantial advantage over the conventional least-square method (LSM). This was particularly...

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