As the number of stages of hydraulic fracturing along the horizontal wellbore increases, the cost of fracturing starts to exceed the cost of drilling the well. Therefore, the issue of costs optimization for hydraulic fracturing in general become highly important problem.
In this regard, for optimization calculations, it is necessary to operate with such important geometric characteristics of fracture as half-length and height of the fracture, which can be determined by logging, well-testing and micro-seismic studies.
This paper analyzes all types of studies to determine the geometric characteristics of the fracture, except its width. Logging surveys, which have been carried out on vertical and inclined wells, allow to determine with some degree of accuracy the height of the fracture, provided that the conditions of applicability of these surveys considering well azimuth and inclined angle in the zone of fracturing & logging.
Among the logging methods that have been applied to that kind of problem, the highest priority in terms of the reliability of the results obtained is given. Well testing allow us to determine the effective half-length of a fracture, but with some limitations. Micro-seismic studies allow comprehensively and in three-dimensional view to determine the configuration of a fracture in a orientational well or a system of fractures in a horizontal borehole to a certain degree of accuracy.