A new approach is proposed to choose the option for gathering and processing of hydrocarbons in the commingled development of natural gas fields with a low potential content of C3+ hydrocarbons (for this article purpose, they are hydrocarbons of Aptian-Albian-Cenomanian deposits with a potential content of C3+ hydrocarbons up to 3 g/m3) (hereinafter dry gas) and natural gas with a high content of C3+ hydrocarbons (for this article purpose, it means hydrocarbons of Neocomian, Achimov and Jurassic deposits with a potential content of C3+ hydrocarbons of more than 100 g/m3) (hereinafter wet gas).

The option for commingled gathering and processing of hydrocarbons using shared process facilities by the method of a low temperature separation (LTS) is under consideration as well as the option for the separate arrangement for hydrocarbons with a different content of condensate.

The approach novelty is to use available calculation results for basic criteria that determine technical and economic efficiency of choosing a particular option for gathering and processing of hydrocarbons.

The option choice for hydrocarbon processing is determined by economic efficiency, which in turn depends on the amount of condensate losses with sales gas in the option for commingled gathering and processing of hydrocarbons. The loss of condensate is meant the volume of C3+ hydrocarbons converted to a gaseous state in the process of hydrocarbons processing as a result of mixing of dry and wet gases. In this paper, the relationship of condensate losses with sales gas when changing different criteria affecting its amount is established and illustrated.

The road map to select the option for gathering and processing of hydrocarbons is developed and presented in the form of successive calculations and analytical stages that allow researchers to quickly analyze each particular development option and take a decision on the choice of the most profitable option for processing of dry gas or reject a knowingly loss-making option.

The application of this approach will enable to significantly reduce time losses at "Assessment" and "Choice" stages and not to require services of highly qualified personnel for material balance calculations of the process facility.

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