The work is devoted to the estimation of the contribution of the achievements of science and technology realized in the technological equipment for the use of gas aimed at increasing the reliability and efficiency of solutions for field development.
Increasing the efficiency and reliability of gas utilization systems is possible through the integration of technological solutions based on combined physical effects into their composition. Integration into old or newly created equipment of scientific and technical discoveries allows creating flexible technological solutions. Reducing the mass-dimensional characteristics of equipment for the use of gas is achieved through the use of modern lightweight materials and structures, and the integration of equipment into single block-modular construction-variable structures. The design of the building-alterable elements of new products in full factory readiness reduces the construction and installation costs by 10-15%, allows to reduce the occupied area of installations by 5 times
The evolutionary algorithm for creating advanced technologies for the useful use of gas is based on the integration of scientific and technological discoveries into old or newly created equipment.
The solutions developed by the algorithm include the latest achievements of science and technology. Such solutions for gas utilization systems allow: to reduce costs for CAPEX and OPEX up to 5-10%, increase efficiency of electric installation drive (~ 10%), reduce oil carryover with gas up to 3-5%, return additional volume of liquid hydrocarbons (110- 150 g / m3) into commercial oil.