Development of oil, gas and condensate fields assumes simultaneous production of both free gas with condensate and oil with breakthrough gas. In this case, infrastructure solutions must be flexible and maximally fit for purposes of collection and treatment of all produced fluids. Joint planning of field development and infrastructure arrangement takes on a great importance as it is necessary to align solving of subsurface hydrodynamics, transportation of products in wellbore and collection system problems.
A great number of producer companies throughout the world use the "Formation-Well-Surface Infrastructure" integrated models for planning of development and infrastructure arrangement which allow forecasting the performance factors with a high degree of accuracy covering not only field development and geological aspects but the limitations of the surface infrastructure, including pipelines, areal facilities and economic conditions.
The most important task of the integrated modeling is the correct forecast and optimization of performance factors with account for all existing limitations of reservoir, well design, downhole equipment, products collection and treatment system.
This article considers the existing "Formation-Well-Surface Infrastructure" model of one of the multipay oil, gas and condensate fields of the Western Siberia. Description of the integrated model development stages is given which includes a creation of digital models of oil and gas wells with complex completion systems, models of collection systems for all products and a reservoir simulation model of the field.
Examples of a solution of application tasks for optimization using the generated integrated model are given which allow significantly improving quality of the adopted solutions by covering of all production system components "from reservoir to collection and transportation of hydrocarbons" integrated into a single model.