Significant attention paid recently to development of Bazhen reservoir fields is obviously a result of qualitative leap not only in cognition to geology of such reservoirs, but also a result of so called innovative technologies of O&G fields development of non-conventional hydrocarbons, which includes heavy oil, low permeable reservoirs oil an shale O&G fields. By geological properties, generation conditions and possibilities of development these fields are quite different, but could be combined in common group not only because of huge reserves amount that exceeding conventional hydrocarbon sources, but also by development technologies similarity.
Due to low porosity and permeability of kerogen containing reservoirs, high degree of anisotropy and low percentage of recoverable reserves it is necessary to develop new recovery technologies specially designed for complex and low-permeable reservoirs development. Main target of such methods is structure properties alteration of reservoir and filtration properties improvement of contained fluids. Besides technology should contribute to liquid hydrocarbons generation in source rock. Pilot projects of kerogen-containing Bazhen suite O&G field's development based mostly on chemical, calorific and thermal-chemical methods.
Authors of the article conducted a research of low-permeable reservoirs current development state, analyzed of laboratory experiments and field data of kerogen matrix dissolution with liquid hydrocarbon excretion were also performed. Basing on analysis results mathematical model of kerogen decomposition process in reservoir under thermal-gas-wave influence, representing modern methods of thermal and chemical EOR, was generated. Mathematical modeling research includes a stimulation of inflow to well by injection of chemically-active substances into reservoir for decomposition kerogen conditions.