This paper provides a compelling review about the world largest nitrogen IOR project in the supergiant field Cantarell, an oil field offshore Gulf of Mexico. Cantarell is Mexico's largest resource being operated by Pemex. The very successful IOR project includes the daily injection of up to 1.5 bn scf (50.000 tons) per day of nitrogen for pressure maintenance since year 2000.
The basic reservoir characteristic and production history will be discussed, including the very positive field response of more than doubling the oil production from 1.0 million to 2.2 million bblpd. Alternative EOR technologies are techno-commercially assessed. The supply of the required nitrogen volumes by air separation plants and the associated infrastructure will be explained in detail.
The conclusion is that nitrogen for pressure maintenance (IOR) including the use of nitrogen for gas lift is a state-of-the-art technology with proven success in offshore fields.