Nowadays there is tendency to involve hard-to-recover reserves. As the consequence it starts to involve low permeable reservoirs with high number of permeable intervals in section. These technics demand to practice the new methods of oil development such as horizontal well drilling with multi hydraulic fracturing.

Relatively high coast of such wells poses much higher requirements on cumulative production of every single well. Further concerning of the problem makes efficient sister of pressure maintenance implementation. On of the most encountered issue is the constant water breakthrough as a consequence of pressure close to formation breakdown pressure, low reservoir properties and the last but not least non-correct organized development system (e.g. horizontal wells orientation in case of stress anisotropy).

According to the hydrodynamics modeling data estimation, the maximum of recovery factor for the oil reservoirs achieved by the elongation the development system in one direction with maximum stress line. Therefore the purpose is the maximum recovery factor achievement by the elongation of hydraulic fractures with the rows of injection wells and rows of production wells, making system with piston-like displacement.

One of the main claims of such systems is clear understanding the maximum stress directions in a every particular formation. In the paper the issue is complicated by strike-slip faults and as a consequence strains. Such a strain is hard to be found by seismic data and the determination of the main stress direction in the case of fields with late stage of development becomes hard. This paper concerns the method of stress direction recovery with the help of 3D seismic and early performed hydraulic fracturing.

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