Nowadays in the process of investigating oil wells at the Russian oilfields there are still unsolved problems, such as evaluation of distinct production rates for separate layers in multi-layer system, diagramming the profile of the inflow from the layer in low rate wells, evaluation of the intervals of behind-the casing flows. In practice various methods are used to solve these problems. The most informative and widely used is temperature logging. A great amount of temperature logging is carried out at well completion, i.e. at a short-term fluid inflow from the beds due to operating compressor, swab, or jet pump. These processes are characterized by short time period of well operating and the presence of non-static thermal fields in the beds and well.

Recently, in Bashkir State University there has been done work in the use of artificial thermal field in well temperature logging, particularly, a thermal field made at inductive casing heat. In the report the results of theoretical, laboratory experiments are discussed, and the data of the first results of applying the new method, named ‘the method of active temperature logging’, to the fields of Bashkortostan, Tatarstan and Surgut region are given. The method presents investigation of transitional thermal fields created by local inductive heat of a metal casing after the well starting up. The main informative features are the value of temperature change, direction and velocity of the created "thermal mark". The second aim of the technology of inductive heat is heating of the bottom hole formation zone in order to both intensify oil production and control the efficiency of the processing.

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