The systematic and structured approach towards field development that is actively developing now has resulted in occurrence of a series of conceptual tasks resolved within the framework of one field or the whole region [1]. The papers dedicated to conceptual and integrated designing are considering these tasks at a level of one field [2, 3] and do not cover the problems arising within the framework of joint development of group of oil fields. The given paper presents the approach towards the solution of optimization tasks of various complexities within the framework of oil-producing region. One of these tasks is presented by a problem how to dispose the increasing volume of produced water from the whole group of oil fields located at Samara region and connected to some extent by common corridors for surface lines [4]. The given task has a set of features characteristic just for this region, such as incompatibility of formation waters and restrictions for water injection at water disposal sites.

In order to resolve the above-stated tasks the authors of the given paper present the regional conceptual model of surface facilities for southern group of OAO ”Samaraneftegas” fields that include 57 fields and 27 field objects. Every field object of the model is described using a simplified pattern to work in various modes. The model allows analyzing and optimizing at the basis of dynamic programming the joint operation of field and linear objects to maintain the planned levels of fluid production and fluid injection remote horizon planning. The open object-guided programmed code describing conceptual model, easily allows complicating of its structure, increasing the detailing and accuracy of decision taken, as is required.

Using the regional conceptual model of surface facilities shows the solution of an urgent task to optimize the disposal of formation water produced at the southern group of OAO ”Samaraneftegas” fields.

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