The work aim is to create an innovative complex of thermogas treatment which allows to involve in industrial development nonconventional hydrocarbonic resources of the Bazhen′s series.

Nonconventional oil resources of Russia are known to be ultraheavy oils and bituminous sands, combustible shales and source beds of the Bazhen′s series (BS). There are ultraheavy oils on the Yaregsky field. Effective exploitation has been created by thermal methods and is being developed successfully. These methods can be adapted for exploitation of the natural bitumen fields which is in the greatest concentration in Tatarstan. where about 450 oil deposits are discovered and oil reserves are estimated in 7 billion tons.

Another kind of nonconventional hydrocarbonic resources - combustible (petroliferous) shales - is presented in Russia by 80th oil fields which are basically in the European part of the country, in Republic Komi, in the Volga region. Ways of development and refining of combustible shales are well known. These are open ways at small depths of occurrence and interbedding combustion - at underground development.

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