The paper proposes a system approach to well intervention planning based on application area mapping. A sorted set of graphs, schemes and maps reflecting underlying analytical models is used as the input material for a workflow-controlled express analysis of the technological decisions made that will help in forecasting future intervention operations.

The most problem is that we have a lot of different information. The main idea is to combine and filtering the information and build easy to analysis pictures using various visual representation techniques. So fast reservoir development analysis becomes possible and we can use it to support real-time and "quasi" real-time operations.

The graphical analysis workflow is subdivided into the following stages: importing the input data; processing the input data (applying the required criteria, templates and models); output of the resulting information; and generating the final conclusions. This method is considered efficient in intervention program designs, as long as it: allows of simultaneous processing of data obtained from different sources; is founded on time-proved models and algorithms; makes use of various visual representation techniques (trend lines, threshold levels, applicability boundaries, threshold efficiency and economic practicability); and dramatically reduces the analysis time.

Those methods have been successfully applied during the development planning of the oil fields in Russian West Siberia. It is planning to automate those methods and use those for Decision Support Centers.

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