In present work we propose a rapid method of estimation the oil recovery factor in the condition of waterflooding, depending on the well spacing. This method takes into account the statistical information on lateral and vertical heterogeneity of the reservoir according to the exploratory well and reservoir analogs data, well placement scheme, methods of well completion (vertical, horizontal bore hole, hydraulic fracture), presence of complicating factors (gas cap, aquifer).
An optimal well spacing determination is a crucial problem of the field development design. Under a small amount of well data the using of the approach based on geological and hydrodynamic modeling may be ineffective because of the model's accuracy increase due to utilizing physically meaningful models can be fully decreased by the uncertainty of the interwell area structure.
The method proposed is based on the approximate correlations built by generalizing of the numerical experiments with the hydrodynamic reservoir model results. The heterogeneity of a pay zone distribution and properties is taken into account through the geostatistical simulation. Presented method has been tested on several oil fields.