Creating multiple zone stimulations in complex reservoirs presents unique challenges for the completion engineer. Effectively stimulating each individual pay interval using separate fracturing treatments can be costly and time consuming. Historically, efforts to stimulate multiple zones usually consisted of casing fracs with limited entry perforating and using sand plugs to separate zones, or tubing fracs with retrievable bridge plugs and packers. The challenge was to rethink the approach to this technology and develop more cost effective and efficient solutions. Those efforts have resulted in a new approach called pinpoint stimulation.

New pinpoint stimulation methods have resulted in reduced cycle time for operators. This means doing multiple service operations in a single trip to the well. If performed individually, perforating, fracturing, setting isolation plugs, and cleaning out the wellbore for each interval can add days or weeks to a completion, delaying production-to-sales and increasing overall costs. Now, we perforate, fracture stimulate, and clean out with a single trip to the wellsite. Each treatment stage is customized for the intervals treated and many more intervals can be stimulated economically. Pinpoint multistage fracturing is available in 16 different processes for many types of well completions.

In this paper, we present different techniques for a wide variety of applications and provide actual treatment data and results including recent case histories from Russia.

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