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Proceedings Papers
SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition
October 14–16, 2014
Moscow, Russia
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SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition
Successful Application of Through Casing Logging Technology To Increase Oil Production in a Brown Field Well
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
An Innovative Approach to Reverse Production Decline in Brown Fields
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Improved Oil Recovery Potential by Using Emulsion Flooding
I. I. Demikhova; N. V. Likhanova; A. E. Moctezuma; J. R. Hernandez Perez; O. Olivares-Xometl; I. V. Lijanova
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Hydraulic Fracturing Optimization Restores Development Prospectives in the Challenging Environment of Rostashinskoe Oilfield, Orenburg Region
Ruslan Enikeev; Evgeny Nikulshin; Evgeny Picura; Vladislav Firsov; Andrey Konchenko; Andrey Fedorov; Ksenia Sukhanova; Sergey Parkhonyuk; Artem Klyubin
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Sustaining Production by Limiting Water Cut and Gas Break through with Autonomous Inflow Control Technology
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Criteria and Techniques of Waterflooding Adjustment for Brownfield
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
ESP Monitoring and Control System Implementation in Western Siberia Brownfield
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Technologies Based on Hydrocarbon-Base Surfactant Compositions for Improved Efficiency of Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
The Study of Remaining Oil Location in Multi-Pores at Micro and Nano Scale
Shu Yang; Pingchuan Dong; Zhenzhong Cai; Xiaoyu Ji; Gang Lei; Zisen Wu; Ruitao Dong; Zhenghong Zhang
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Refracturing is the Best Way to Develop Hard-to-Recover Reserves in Romashkino Oilfield Conditions
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Geomechanic Model Reconstruction for the Choice of Development Strategy
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Risk Evaluation of Investment Decision During Low Oil Prices
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Optimization of Greenfield Development Plan through Complex Well Ranking Criteria
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Making the Best of Integrated Asset Modelling
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Saturation Evaluation of Low Permeability Condensate Reservoirs in the Presence of an Oil-Rim with Wireline Formation Testers
S. Novikov; P. Weinheber; M. Charupa; D. Rudenko; A. Filimonov; V. Blinov; A. Yazkov; N. Shadchnev; A. Milushkin; M. Piana
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Application of Mathematical Optimization Techniques for Well Pattern Selection
M. M. Khasanov; V. M. Babin; O. U. Melchaeva; O. S. Ushmaev; D. Echeverria Ciaurri; A. S. Semenikhin
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Oil in Non-Conventional Reservoirs of Tatarstan
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Gazprom Neft Experience of Bazhenov Suite Development
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Exploration Well Testing in High Pressure Jurassic and Achimov Formations of Bolshekhetskaya Depression
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Complex Lithophysical Typization of Bazhenov Formation Rocks from Core Analysis and Well Logging
N. S. Balushkina; G. A. Kalmykov; R. A. Khamidullin; V. S. Belokhin; N. I. Korobova; N. N. Petrakova; A. I. Bakay
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Vertical and Horizontal Integration to Overcome Extreme Operational Challenges for the Achimov Tight, Gas-Condensate Formation
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Prospects of Shale Oil Bazhenov Formation in the South-East of Western Siberia
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
State of Art in Prediction of Fluvial Sandbodies in Low Permeable Tyumen Formation of West Syberia
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
The Results of the Field Tests and Prospects of Termogas Development of Bazhenov Formation in OJSC RITEK
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Using NMR Relaxometer in the Study of Unconventional Rocks Characteristics
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Non-Darcy Flow Numerical Simulation and Pressure/Rate Transient Analysis for Ultra-Low Permeable Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Examples of Mini-Frac Test Data Interpretation in Low-Permeability Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Cross Correlation of Logging Data with SEM-Based Mineralogical and Textural Well Data: A New Tool for Optimized Completion Design
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Laboratory Study Peculiarities of Petrophysical Properties of Complex-Upbuild Carbonate Reservoirs With Highly Viscous Oil Fields
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Single-Size-Ball Interventionless Multi-Stage Stimulation System Improves Stimulated Reservoir Volume and Eliminates Milling Requirements: Case Studies
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Environmental-Economic Indicators of the Sustainability of the Enterprises of Oil and Gas Complex
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
A Journey to Gas Flaring Reduction at Tengizchevroil LLP (TCO)
Lawrence Byers; Helen Mary Wessel; Anargul Kalelova; Alexey Korsyuk; Gulmira Tulegenova; Aliya Subkhankulova; Ainur Zhilkaidarova
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
How Knowledge Management Has Played a Key Role in Deepwater Cementing: A Service Company's Perspective
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Professional Adaptation of Shift Workers in Oil and Gas Companies in the Arctic
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Competencies Transfer for Offshore Russian Operators
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Evaluating the Efficiency of Environmental Services: The Experience of Establishing of an Evaluation System for Gazprom
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Measurement of Oil-Water Ratio and Formation Porosity Using Dielectric Spectroscopy in Borehole Environments
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Well Placement and Reservoir Characterization Advancement in VTSM Field With New Multiple Boundary Delineation Technique
A. A. Lutfullin; A. A. Bregida; M. V. Tomchik; V. N. Kozlov; D. D. Shabalinskaya; A. S. Belyaev; A. S. Makhambetov; A. Y. Shirshov; V. E. Kim
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Advantages of Fluvial Reservoir Object Modeling
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
A Methodology for Early Detection of Semi-Permeable Filtration Barriers
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Feasibility Evaluation of Perspective Geological Structures in Oil and Gas Production Regions with Highly Developed Infrastructure
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Algorithms of Automatic Core-Log Depth-Shifting In Problems of Petrophysical Model Construction
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Application of 2D Technology of Digital Modeling for Prediction of Traps in the Sedimentary Cover
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Integrated Workflow To Tackle Heterogeneous Karst Dominated Reservoirs: Kharyaga Example
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Estimability of Heavy Oil Viscosity by Nuclear Magnetic Resonances Researches
Kamil Musin; Irina Bobb; Timur Abdullin; Rais Khisamov; Vladimir Skirda; Bulat Gizatullin; Timur Zaripov
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Uncertainty Analysis of Main Development Targets of Unique Gas-Condensate Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Evaluation of Thin Laminated Reservoirs - Hidden Problems
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Specification of a Geological Structure of Productive Formations According to Seismic Data in the Process of Drilling
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Techniques for Successful Heavy Oil Sampling with Wireline Formation Testers
V. Blinov; P. Weinheber; M. Ivashin; S. Novikov; M. Charupa; A. Filimonov; A. Abramov; S. Nizov; A. Kolobanov
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
An Approach to Tight Paleokarst Zones Identification Based on Integrated Use of 3D Seismic Surveys, Core and Well-Log Data and Implication to Reservoir Quality
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Exploring Petrophysical Uncertainties Thanks to Stochastic Well Log Data Interpretation: Termokarstovoye Field Case
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Geology and Petroleum Potential of the Gulf of Mexico, Cuba
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Oil Viscosity Impact on Invasion Zone Structure and Resistivity Measurements
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Practical Approach in Planning Well Testing in South Tyumen Region for Improving Data Quality
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Coupled Geomechanical and Fluid Flow Simulation of the Oil Field Evolution Induced by Reservoir Production
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Digital Core Analysis for Flow Process Evaluation is Myth or Reality?
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Practice and Future Potential of Multilateral Horizontal Drilling for Lower Permian Reservoirs: Case Study from Lemezinskoe Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Recovery Increase by Permanent Downhole Gages Data. Western Siberia Field Case Study
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Optimization of Operation of the System Reservoir-Well-Pipeline-GTU Based on the Integrated Modeling
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Use of Channel Fracturing Technology Increases Production and Reduces Risks in Horizontal Wellbore Completions - First Experience in Russia, South-Priobskoe Oil Field
Sergey A. Doctor; Alexey Tolmachev; Nikolay Chebykin; Alexey Yudin; Valery Roukhlov; Alexander Gromovenko; Anil Mathur
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Justification for the Horizontal Well Completions in Gas Condensate Reservoir
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Experimental Studies of Surfactant Adsoption Under Conditions of ASP Flooding at West Salym Field
Y. E. Volokitin; I. N. Koltsov; M. Ya. Evseeva; O. A. Nurieva; I. S. Akhatov; L. A. Kovaleva; R. R. Zinnatullin; M. V. Mavletov; F. H. Kudasheva
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Hysteresis of Relative Permeabilities in Water-Gas Stimulation of Oil Reservoirs
V. I. Kokorev; V. B. Karpov; V. I. Darishchev; I. A. Akhmadeyshin; K. A. Bugaev; K. A. Shchekoldin; V. A. Dedechko; A. M. Polischuk; E. V. Shelyago; I. V. Yazynina
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Dynamic Modeling of Samotlor Field Using High Resolution Model Grids
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Reservoir Monitoring of Hydrocarbon-Water Flood Front by Gravimetry Integrated within Reservoir Simulation
Gleb Dyatlov; Stig Lyngra; Alberto F. Marsala; A. M. Loermans; Daniel T. Georgi; Alexandr Vasilevskiy; Yuliy Dashevsky; Carl M. Edwards
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Tackling of a Complex Carbonate Field Through a Dedicated History-Match Scheme and Software
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
New Well-Test Interpretation Method for Carbonates Reservoirs With Rare Long Fractures for Field Development Optimization
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Multi-Criteria Analysis and Optimization of Waterflood Systems in Brownfields
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Integrated Compositional Model of Grachevskoe Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Comparison of Geological and Technical Measures Effectiveness for the Upper Jurassic Conditions of Western Siberia
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Field Studies of Spontaneous Growth of Induced Fractures in Injection Wells
A. Davletbaev; V. Baikov; G. Bikbulatova; R. Asmandiyarov; E. Nazargalin; A. Slabetskiy; A. Sergeychev; R. Nuriev
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Field Study of Temperature Simulators Application for Quantitative Interpretation of Transient Thermal Logging in a Multipay Well
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Towards Enhanced Steam Management of SAGD Wells Using Reliable and Permanent Real-Time FBG-Based Thermal Monitoring
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Horizontal Well Monitoring Based on Temperature Profile Measuring with Distributed Temperature Sensors (DST)
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Calculating Prediction Uncertainty using Posterior Ensembles Generated from Proxy Models
S. Fillacier; A. E. Fincham; R. P. Hammersley; J. R. Heritage; I. Kolbikova; G. Peacock; V. Y. Soloviev
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Efficient Engineering Method for Creating Adequate PVT-Model of Natural Gas Condensate Mixture Using Equation of State
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Review of a Forgotten Technology With High Potential - The World Largest Nitrogen Based IOR Project in the Supergiant Field Cantarell, Mexico
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
New Approach to PVT Correlation Selection
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Theory and Practice of Acidizing High Temperature Carbonate Reservoirs of R. Trebs Oil Field, Timan-Pechora Basin
A. E. Folomeev; A. R. Sharifullin; S. A. Vakhrushev; K. Yu. Murinov; A. V. Akimkin; L. E. Lenchenkova; R. M. Nabiullin; A. I. Federov
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Injection Test of Carbonate Reservoir with Complex Porosity Types Including Porous Matrix, Fractures, Vuggy Zones
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Laboratory Studies and Implementation of In-Situ Combustion Initiation Technology for Air Injection Process in the Oil Reservoirs
Valery Andreevich Klinchev; Vladislav Vyacheslavovich Zatsepin; Alexandra Sergeevna Ushakova; Sergey Vladimirovich Telyshev
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Monitoring EOR and Well Stimulation Techniques by Oil Optical Properties Measurement
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Treatment of Bottom Hole Zones of Production Wells With Oil-in-Water Emulsions To Restrict Breakthrough Gas Production in Yuri Korchagin Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Modeling Experience Giant Oil and Gas Fields of Integrated Sectoral Models
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Development and Deployment of Technology Complex of Use of Associated Gas for Increase in Oil Recovery
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Unification of Approaches in the Study of the Characteristics of Gas-Condensate Systems
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Visco-Elastic Flow Impact in PTA Interpretation
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Identification of Behind-Casing Flowing Reservoir Intervals by the Integrated High-Precision Temperature and Spectral Noise Logging Techniques
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Procedure for Analysis of Waterflooded Dual Permeability Reservoir Performance by Example of Bashkirian Deposit, Romashkinskoye Oil Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
New Way of Individual Evaluation of Tight Comingled Reservoirs
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Building of a Multiple Layer Oil and Gas Condensate Field Integrated Simulation Model
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Complex Research of Reservoir Properties on Cores From Achimov Deposits
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
The Solution of Problems of a Nonequilibrium Nonlinear Filtration on Commercial Simulators
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Condensate Production Optimization Using MEPO Software Combined With Eclipse-Network
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Multi-Sensor Technologies for Horizontal Well Production Logging. Current Status and Application Experience in the Fields of Russia
R. A. Valiullin; R. K. Yarullin; R. F. Sharafutdinov; A. Sh. Ramazanov; A. A. Sadretdinov; R. S. Muhkamadiev; V. V. Bazhenov; A. I. Imaev; D. A. Semekin; M. V. Rakitin
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Development of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery Technology for Carbonate Formations: Stage 1
Marat Khisametdinov; Diyana Sokolova; Alexey Fedorov; Rais S. Khisamov; Nail G. Ibragimov; Tamara Nazina; Tamara Babich
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Practice of Complex Architecture Well Construction at the Oil Fields of OAO LUKOIL in Western Siberia
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Best Practice of Horizontal Well Construction Operations for the Challenging, High-Pressure Achimov Formation – Urengoyskoe Field
P. Dobrokhleb; A. Ablaev; D. Chetverikov; S. Zavarigin; A. Inyushina; Y. Petrakov; A. Sobolev; D. Zadvornov; O. Tarasov; A. Milushkin; A. Milenkiy; M. Grigoryev; D. Sidorov
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Oshskoye Oilfield as an example of Well Construction Optimization in the Timano-Pechora Region
Anton Kutlashov; Ilmir Nasretdinov; Sergey Bogdanov; Anatoliy Kuznetsov; Viktor Zhevna; Vladislav Tenishev
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Complex Well Design for Multilaterals Offshore North Caspian Sea
Alexey Valisevich; Vasiliy Zvyagin; Robert Famiev; Mirat Kozhakhmetov; Alexey Paramonov; Marat Akhmetov
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Unique Water Shut-Off Solution for Water Producing Interval in a Horizontal Well Completed with Multistage Fracturing System Using Two CT Inflatable Bridge Plugs
A. S. Golovanev; A. A. Potryasov; V. N. Kovalev; R. R. Yunusov; K. V. Burdin; R. N. Mazitov; P. V. Bravkov; D. A. Serikov; V. N. Klimenko
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Beating the Odds with Channeling in ERD Well Cementing: Solution to Persistent Channeling Problems
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Improvement to Wellbore Stability while Drilling Challenging Profile Wells in the Vankor Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Artificial Neural Networks in Drilling Troubles Prediction
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Improvement of Drilling Technology for the Yarega Heavy Oil Field Development By SAGD Method with Counter Producing and Injecting Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Anti-Stick-Slip Drilling Strategy for Horizontal Wells in Medium-to-Hard Heterogeneous Rocks
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Best Practices for Horizontal Wells Completion Technology and Multistage Fracturing for High Pressure Achimov Formation at Urengoyskoe Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Horizontal Well Drilling in Bashneft Oil Company. Current Situation and Prospects
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Application of the Intelligent Control Systems for Horizontal Well Placement
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Development of Universal Application for Drillstring Dynamics Simulation
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Considerations for Optimum Inflow Control Devices (ICDs) Selection and Placement in Horizontal Sections
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Optimization of Cement Spacer System for Zonal Isolation in High-Pressure High-Temperature Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
The Results of Horizontal Well Drilling Using Invert-Emulsion Fluid at Kharyaginskoe Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
A Novel High Temperature Insulating Packer Fluid
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Overview of Solids Transport Studies and Applications in Oil and Gas Industry – Experimental Work
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Provision of Shale Sediment Stability in Deviated (Horizontal) Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Managed Pressure Drilling Advances Well Construction with Enhanced Hazard Mitigation
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Oil-base Mud to Improve Quality of Pay Penetration
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
An Integrated Experimental Approach to Determining How Invaded Mud Components Modify Near-Wellbore Properties
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Network Test Instruments Use for Verification of Subsea Control Networks
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Improving of Cleaning Efficiency of Oil Pipeline from Paraffin
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Bulk Transfer on Oil Rigs: System Optimised through Pilot Testing
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Decision for Optimum Number of Well Pads During Phase of Field Development Design
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Closed-loop Production Cycle - A New Paradigm of Hydrocarbon Resources Development in Remote Areas of Siberia
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
The High-Temperature Electrical Submersible Pump for Production of High-Viscosity Oil Using SAGD Technology
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Method of Well- Killing Operation by Using Visco-Elastic Gels with Controllable Destruction Terms
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Express Method to Estimate Target Bottomhole Pressure in Pumping Oil Well
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Mature Field Gas Lift Optimisation: Challenges and Strategy, Case Study of D-Field, Malaysia
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
A Mathematical Model of the Process Output Mode Wells Equipped with ECPU
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Well Control and Management: Killing Fluids for Oil Fields of JSOC Bashneft
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Problems of Oil and Gas Production Associated With Gypsum Depositing in the Verkhnechonskoye Oil and Gas Condensate Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
How IT Technology is Changing the Established Approach to Safety and Reducing Operational Risks
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Up-to-Date and Effective Solutions for Liquidation of Accidental Oil Spills in Oil Production
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Decision-Making for Fast Start of Offshore Fields Development
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Russian Offshore: Gained Experience and Development Perspectives of the Northern Block of the Caspian Sea
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
On the Importance of the Quality of Conceptual and Engineering Design of Marine Structures used in the Development of the Russian Arctic Offshore Petroleum Resources
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
A New Engineering Approach to Hole-Making Position Control on the Arctic Shelf
Ya. I. Binder; A. L. Gutnikov; T. V. Paderina; V. N. Polienko; V. G. Rozentsvein; P. A. Klyushkin; D. A. Sokolov
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Integration of Methods for Forecasting and Identification of Rock Faults and Fracture Zones to Reduce Risks at their Crossover during Extended Reach Drilling of Long Horizontal Sections (6000 m) in Yuri Korchagin Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Power Distribution in Subsea Developments: A System Engineering Perspective
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Subsea Gas Pipeline Coiled Tubing Intervention for Hydrate Plug Removal
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Channel Fracturing Improves Stimulation Efficiency by 30% in the Achimov Gas Condensate Formation
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Horizontal Drilling with Multi-Stage Fracturing - Access to Challenged Reserves of Tyumen Formation, Krasnoleninskoye Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Automation of Optimal Well Trajectory Calculations
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Development of Carbonate Reservoirs with Complex Trajectory Wells in Republic of Tatarstan
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Drilling Record ERD Wells at Yamal Region
Evgeny Glebov; Ivan Shokarev; Aleksey Boroday; Maxim Grigoryev; Artur Gulov; Aleksey Zhludov; Dmitry Chetverikov; Sergey Dymov; Pavel Dobrokhleb; Anton Ablaev; Alexander Yakovlev; Yuri Petrakov; Aleksey Sobolev; Evgeny Korelsky; Dmitry Zadvornov; Sergey Zavarygin; Dmitry Sulimov; Vitaly Kuzakov; Anna Alexandrova; Dmitry Perkshev; Amangeldy Makhambetov; Lena Urmantseva; Dmitry Leontyev; Aleksey Belyaev; Anton Shirshov; Eduard Shakirov; Alexey Kovalev; Marat Gainullin
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Development of Heavy Oil Deposits and Natural Bitumen With Small and Variable Thickness of the Formation the System of Horizontal Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
The Effect of Field-Geological Characteristics Terrigenous Reservoirs on the Decrease Injectability after Well-Workover Operation
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Application of Data Mining Tools for Analysis and Prediction of Hydraulic Fracturing Efficiency for the BV8 Reservoir of the Povkh Oil Field
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Complex Waterflood Management in Mature Oil Fields
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
Advanced Stimulation Technologies for Enhanced Unconventional Oil and Gas Recovery
Paper presented at the SPE Russian Oil and Gas Exploration & Production Technical Conference and Exhibition, Moscow, Russia, October 2014. doi:
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