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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Low Perm Symposium, May 5–6, 2016
Paper Number: SPE-180247-MS
... Abstract The San Juan Basin, located in northwestern New Mexico and southwestern Colorado, is one of the most prolific natural gas producing regions, and one of the largest gas basin in the United States in terms of total estimated gas reserves. More coalbed methane has been produced from...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, April 14–16, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-116237-MS
... wells were compared. condensate reservoir production enhancement DJ Basin microemulsion surfactant increase production spe 116237 hydraulic fracturing Colorado Upstream Oil & Gas surfactant increase production Codell formation surfactant society of petroleum engineers downhole...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, April 14–16, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-123142-MS
... Abstract Shell Oil Company conducted an oil shale thermal conduction pilot in the Piceance Basin of Colorado during 1997 and 1998. Six heaters and one producer were arranged in a single unconfined hexagonal seven spot pattern to test the viability of the Shell's proprietary in-situ conversion...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Petroleum Technology Conference, May 21–23, 2001
Paper Number: SPE-71045-MS
... gas sand, has proven to be successful in the Wattenberg Field in Colorado. Beginning in 1997, Codell refracturing evolved into a massive program involving hundreds of wells per year. To date, HS Resources has restimulated over 750 Codell wells, increasing reserves and resulting in a project ROR of 100...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Regional/Low-Permeability Reservoirs Symposium and Exhibition, March 12–15, 2000
Paper Number: SPE-60299-MS
.... More effective models for locating permeable zones have been created for fields within a large area extending from near the Canadian Rockies to Mexico. analog delta sand property relative orientation deltaic model spe 60299 surface analog permeable area deposit colorado sandstone log...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, April 26–28, 1993
Paper Number: SPE-25924-MS
... acquisition and analysis project in 1990 with the goal of evaluating the applicability of horizontal well completions In various gas-productive reservoirs. One of the target gas reservoirs in this study was the Mancos Β interval of the Mancos Shale located in the Southwest Rangely Field in northwest Colorado...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, May 18–21, 1992
Paper Number: SPE-24326-MS
... Weber Sand Unit in Rangely, Colorado. The installations have been manufactured almost entirely of filament wound fiberglass and are almost metal free. Fiberglass cup-type packers have been developed and manufactured. Sidepocket mandrels have also been developed and manufactured with a stainless steel...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, April 15–17, 1991
Paper Number: SPE-21866-MS
... The surface location for the Slant Hole Completion Test is 700 ft south of the DOE Multiwell Experiment site in Section 34, T6S, R94W, approximately 7.5 miles west of Rifle, in Garfield County, Colorado. The hole was designed to intersect two paludal Mesaverde sands and bounding coals...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, March 6–8, 1989
Paper Number: SPE-19010-MS
... the techniques to determine which technique is best. new mexico colorado coal bed methane cased hole san juan basin permeabil ity stimulation coalbed methane cavity upstream oil & gas coal seam gas openhole cavity hydraulic fracturing operation nichol company formation damage fracture...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, March 6–8, 1989
Paper Number: SPE-19007-MS
... types may enhance reservoir permeability to different degrees. Vertical Extension Fractures Abstract Natural fractures dominate the permeability of tight gas reservoirs in the Mesaverde Formation of the Piceance Creek Basin, northwestern Colorado. Roughly 450 natural fractures have been...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Low Permeability Reservoirs Symposium, March 6–8, 1989
Paper Number: SPE-19003-MS
... Abstract Both gas permeability and in situ closure stresses computed from log analysis are confirmed by pre-fracture well tests and analysis of fracture stimulation operations on the No. 3 Deep Seam 30-4 in Mesa County, Colorado, one of three wells in a Red Mountain tight gas sands project...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/DOE Joint Symposium on Low Permeability Reservoirs, May 18–19, 1987
Paper Number: SPE-16397-MS
... & gas damage mechanism hydraulic fracture performance drillstem testing experiment colorado fractured paludal zone INTRODUCTION In many cases, the economic development of tight gas reservoirs requires hydraulic fracturing or other stimulation techniques. The production mechanisms...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/DOE Joint Symposium on Low Permeability Reservoirs, May 18–19, 1987
Paper Number: SPE-16426-MS
... ABSTRACT This study focuses on natural gas occurrences and reservoir characterization in the assessment of the production potential in the Piceance Creek Basin (Garfield County, Colorado). This Basin has reservoirs with lenticular sands that are characterized as having low porosities, low...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/DOE Joint Symposium on Low Permeability Reservoirs, May 18–19, 1987
Paper Number: SPE-16418-MS
... ABSTRACT The Piceance Basin in northwestern Colorado contains the largest concentration of coalbed methane in the U.S. A detailed geologic analysis of the basin shows that the basin contains 84 Tcf of coalbed methane in-place. The east-central area of the basin contains the greatest volume...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Rocky Mountain Regional Meeting, May 19–21, 1986
Paper Number: SPE-15166-MS
.... concentration study area fracture treatment completion installation and operations williston basin bakken shale three forks formation drillstem testing wellbore hydraulic fracturing upstream oil & gas characteristic north dakota colorado lodgepole information permeability reservoir...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE/DOE Low Permeability Gas Reservoirs Symposium, May 19–22, 1985
Paper Number: SPE-13852-MS
... Abstract The Upper Cretaceous Corcoran and Cozzette Sandstones are fine to very fine grained blanket-geometry, low-permeability barrier and strandplain sandstones that trend northeast across the southern Piceance Creek Basin of Colorado. Development of these tight gas Piceance Creek Basin...

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