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Keywords: reservoir
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Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212707-MS
.... The measurement was conducted using one oleic and one aqueous phase, applying different fractional flow steps, mimicking the range of varying water saturation in the reservoir during the depletion process. The used microchip has a synthetic pore-structure design with circular grain shapes. The measurements...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212600-MS
... Abstract Characterizing an oil reservoir requires one to understand the Pressure- Volume-Temperature (PVT) properties of reservoir fluids, especially bubble point pressure, solution gas oil ratio and oil formation volume factor because of its more often utilization in reservoir engineering...
Proceedings Papers
Eslam Mohamed Elabsy, Ahmed Mohamed Soliman, Lichuan Deng, Amel Aouacheri, Sundos Ibrahim Alabed, Kazumasa Honda, Jawaher Adel Alsabeai
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212650-MS
... sampling. The formation evaluation integration analysis results are used for characterizing the rock quality across multiple reservoir zones and to determine the optimum zones to be drilled horizontally and completed using the inflow control device (ICD) completion. Appraisal and improvement...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212700-MS
... Abstract The suitable design of Advanced Multilateral Well (AMW) completions under uncertain information is challenging but crucial for achieving cost-effective and low-carbon oil recovery. This requires an accurate and fast coupled dynamic well-reservoir model. To this end, some commercial...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212590-MS
.... The objectives were to validate the laboratory results, assess the critical chemical process parameters such as Sor reduction, adsorption, injectivity, and obtain an operating experience at a harsh offshore environment with high reservoir temperature. Sea water treatment and softening process was needed...
Proceedings Papers
Wen An Chen, Dai Guo Yu, Guo Liang Liu, Qing Bo Li, Di Zhang, Meng Zhao, Fang fang Wu, Liang Cai, Xian Ran Zhao, Shen zhuan Li, Jin Long Wu
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212607-MS
... Abstract A complex and tight lacustrine carbonate reservoir is the main target reservoir in Qaidam Basin. The diagenesis of shallow-shore lake deposition has created a highly heterogeneous reservoir in both vertical and horizontal directions in terms of lithologies, pore structures...
Proceedings Papers
A. Alsane, M. A. Al-bahar, C. Thakuria, P. Dhote, A. Bora, B. Dharanidharan, G. Nalla, F. Koyassan Veedu
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212697-MS
... Abstract The paper describes the challenging task of identifying additional production opportunities from a matured oil reservoir with significant production history, commingled production,zones with varying rock properties, and drive mechanisms. The reservoir is having more than 40 years...
Proceedings Papers
E. G. D. Barros, S. P. Szklarz, N. Khoshnevis Gargar, J. Hopman, G. Zirotti, G. Bascialla, T. S. Ramsay, R. M. Fonseca
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212620-MS
... can support asset teams in this complex decision-making process. Optimization of real-life field development cases can be computationally very demanding due to the cost of running large amounts of large-scale reservoir simulations, the large number of variables to be optimized and the necessity...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212599-MS
... Abstract Horizontal wells have been applied in Middle East universally. However, with complex geological conditions including thief zone, aquifer and heavy oil, there are diverse production/injection performances for horizontal wells. Therefore, history matching is a tough job for reservoirs...
Proceedings Papers
Bin Yang, Tong Li, Fei Wang, Feng Hai Wang, Shu Zhong Li, Kai Wu, Zhong Hu, Li Wang, Yao Chen, Qi Xun Liu, Yan Xing Zhang, Janine Maalouf
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212686-MS
... Abstract Accurate real-time characterization of complex channel sand reservoir is very critical for horizontal well drilling and production improvement. CB block located in the southwest part of Bohai Bay which is the main offshore block for SINOPEC Sheng Li. This block is featured by braided...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212593-MS
... Abstract Pore space texture and its pore size distribution are critical parameters for displacement efficiency for waterflood, which have been applied in Middle East. For sandstone, pore size is a log-normal distribution usually. However, when it comes to carbonate reservoir, complex...
Proceedings Papers
Karthik Mukundakrishan, Andrea Rosa, Saurabh Ranjan, Paola Panfili, Fabrizio Cinquini, Alberto Cominelli, Leonardo Patacchini, Kenneth Esler
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212657-MS
... Abstract Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) have been successful in providing up to an order of magnitude performance benefit for reservoir simulation; this has been demonstrated for both standalone black-oil and compositional models. To our knowledge however, a demonstration of the applicability...
Proceedings Papers
Eassa Abdullah, Mobarak Baatiyah, Jaber Aljabri, Mashaer Alfaraj, Mohammed Al-Otaibi, Ammar ElHusseiny, Olalekan Alade
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212639-MS
... Abstract The importance of permeability cannot be under-stimated. It is used in crucial equations used to determine quantities analysed by reservoir, drilling, and production engineers. Using permeability along with other properties is important to understanding reservoir behaviour when wells...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212687-MS
... Abstract Gas oil Gravity Drainage (GOGD) process is one of the highly efficient recovery mechanism in heavily fractured carbonate reservoirs. The driving force is the gravity, the oil is moving down from the matrix block through fractures until it reaches the producers. To ensure optimum...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212658-MS
... Abstract Naturally fractured reservoirs (NFRs), such as fractured carbonate reservoirs, are ubiquitous across the worldwide and are potentially very good source to store carbondioxide (CO 2 ) for a longer period of time. The simulation models are great tool to assess the potential...
Proceedings Papers
Erika Hernandez, Suzanne Boekhout, Gijs van Essen, Bert-Rik de Zwart, Nuha Al-Sultan, Basel Al-Otaibi, Adrian Crawford, Michael Obermaier, Ben Dewever
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212586-MS
... Abstract This work presents the application of a fit-for-purpose history match workflow to a giant and geologically complex carbonate reservoir with over 60 years of production/injection history and 600+ wells. The target was to deliver, within schedule and spec, a high-quality sizeable model...
Proceedings Papers
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212660-MS
... Abstract Understanding how natural fractures are behaving is providing a growing knowledge about reservoir's structures and stresses, hence it becomes important to deploy high-resolution resistivity imaging service, especially in case of severe drilling fluid losses. In lateral boreholes...
Proceedings Papers
Fahad Al-Faresi, Hashem Monfared, Solomon Evro, Sher Ali, Sethu Madhavan, Muhammad Yaser, Manuchehr Yunusov
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212640-MS
... Abstract Burgan Minagish (BGMN) reservoir in the Greater Burgan field, is one of the reservoirs among others that has been producing from Minagish formation. It has been in production intermittently since 1960's though full development was delayed due to high H2S content and the need...
Proceedings Papers
Vikram Kumar Pandey, Permanand Dhermeshwar Thankur, Setiyo Pamungkas, Tony Thomas, Redha Al- Lawatia, Magdy Samir, Talha Zubair, Abdul Bari
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212646-MS
... Abstract Carbonates are infamous for their complex intrinsic heterogeneity, exaggerated due to stratification and layered geology. Characterization and correlation of this heterogeneity with recovery mechanisms becomes critical pertaining to Lower Cretaceous reservoir ‘A’ with over 4 decades...
Proceedings Papers
Karim Slimani, Tayeb Khetib, Hashem Monfared, Rabah Lamali, Nasrine Bendali Amor, Mohamed Semch-Eddine Skender, Farid Mezali, Hakim Chekou, Lotfi Belaifa
Publisher: Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
Paper presented at the SPE Reservoir Characterisation and Simulation Conference and Exhibition, January 24–26, 2023
Paper Number: SPE-212585-MS
... Abstract Tight oil reservoirs are of paramount importance for an operator holding several fields with important oil potential in Illizi basin, southeastern Algeria. Formation tightness, the presence of nonconnected sand lenses, and the lack of a geological model made it very difficult...