A giant brownfield re-development project with long horizontal wells was initiated to arrest production decline mainly caused by a lack of pressure support and free gas influx from the large gas cap.

Key value drivers for the project are developing an understanding of the layers with regards to gas breakthrough, and achieving capital efficiency through low-cost well delivery, better planning and technology applications.

Firstly, the field has been segmented based on the analysis of multiple factors influencing the free gas production. It considers geological aspects such as the study of depositional environment and diagenesis, structural elements such as high permeability streaks and fractures, dynamic behaviors such as the water injection efficiency, gas cap expansion or coning.

Secondly, numerical simulations were then run in order to rank the sectors based on the expected model performance, compare them with real data categorization, and test the effect of the new proposed development schemes such as water injection at gas-oil contact and long horizontal wells equipped with downhole control valves.

It was found that each sector has a specific production mechanism and appropriate developments were recommended and then tested in the simulation. For instance, high permeability streaks play a significant role on the development of some sectors instigating a big difference of maturity between sub-layers, early water or gas breakthrough. Also, the inefficiency of water injection is one of the biggest issues of the field. Most of the water injectors are located too far from the oil producers, and have a low injectivity due to the often degraded facies in the aquifer because of diagenesis. This leads to a lack of pressure support that is counterbalanced by the gas injection, ending up with a lot of high GOR wells and a bad sweep from the top of the structure as the gas tends to by-pass the oil.

Simulation work showed that several remaining zones are safe for immediate development and should be prioritized for development in the near future. On the other hand, some of the mature layers prone to gas and water breakthrough need a boost for development, such as water injection at gas-oil-contact, artificial lift, low pressure system, GOR relaxation. Tight and undeveloped reservoirs are improved by implementing long horizontal drains.

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