This paper describes the results of an integrated reservoir study aimed at producing hydrocarbons through a sustainable development from a green High Temperature (HT) giant CO2-rich gas field in the Australian offshore. The development concept addressed the complex challenge of exploiting resources while minimizing the carbon impact.

In order to characterize the reservoir in the most detailed way and to describe the fluids behaviour, a 1.8 million active cells compositional model has been built. An analytical aquifer has been coupled in order to represent the boundary conditions of the area.

The faults system, interpreted on seismic data by geophysicists, has been included in the simulation model. The selected development plan includes the re-injection of the produced CO2 into the aquifer of the reservoir itself. The supercritical CO2-brine relative permeability curves at reservoir conditions have been provided by Eni laboratories, where the experiments were performed.

Therefore, a detailed model has been built with the purpose of:

  • Defining producing well and CO2 injector well locations, numbers and phasing to evaluate expected CO2 injectivity and CO2 breakthrough issues;

  • Optimizing the development concept through a risk analysis approach;

  • Estimating the CO2-rich gas injectivity and storage capacity in the saline aquifer of the reservoir;

  • Predicting the behavior of the CO2-rich gas after re-injection (breakthrough timing and plume migration);

  • Maximizing the CO2 sequestration in the reservoir.

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