This paper presents the results of a methodical screening and evaluation study on various enhanced oil recovery technologies for potential deployment at the Sabriya Lower Burgan (SALB) reservoir in Kuwait. The EOR technologies that were considered in this study included alkaline-surfactant-polymer, surfactant-polymer, polymer, CO2, N2 and Low Salinity flooding. Initial parametric screening of different EOR technologies was conducted based on reservoir characteristics, and this was followed by laboratory studies to determine the extent to which the initial screening conclusions were valid. Sector model simulations were also used to evaluate and confirm the suitability of the Sabriya Lower Burgan reservoir for the above-mentioned EOR technologies.
Screening and sector model simulations of the Sabriyah Lower Burgan formation indicated that Section A has potential for enhanced oil recovery technologies while the B zone does not, primarily due to the strong water drive in Section B. Chemical flooding, specifically alkaline-surfactant-polymer and surfactant-polymer flooding, low sal flooding, miscible N2 flooding, and CO2 flooding were considered to have potential while polymer flooding, thermal technologies, and immiscible gas flooding were not considered to be viable technologies.
Laboratory studies indicated that alkaline-surfactant-polymer, surfactant-polymer, polymer, and CO2 flooding show potential to recover incremental oil. Alkaline-surfactant-polymer, surfactant-polymer, and polymer flooding technologies recovered up to 35% OOIP incremental oil in dead oil and live oil corefloods. CO2 was miscible at reservoir pressure while N2 was not. In the laboratory, polymer flooding showed incremental oil and Low Salinity flooding did not. These results were not consistent with the original screening observations, thereby emphasizing the importance of laboratory studies.