Parallel reservoir simulators are now widely used with availability of super computers. Modern massively parallel supercomputers demonstrate great power for simulating large-scale reservoir models. However, improving scalability and efficiency for fully implicit methods on emerging parallel architectures is still challenging. In this paper, we present a robust discretization together with a parallel linear solver algorithm; and we explore the parallel implementation on the world’s fastest supercomputer Tianhe-2.

Starting with a general compositional model, we focus on the black oil model and developed Parallel eXtension Framework for parallelizing the serial simulator. A parallel preconditioner based on fast auxiliary space preconditioning (FASP) is applied to solve the Jacobian system arising from the fully implicit discretization. The parallel simulator was validated using large-scale black oil benchmark problems, for which parallel scalabilities were tested. Giant reservoir models with over 100 million grid blocks have been simulated within a few minutes, and test the strong scalability of AMG solver with 1 billion unknown. We also demonstrate the parallelization and acceleration using Intel Xeon Phi coprocessors. In the end, the efficiency of the parallel simulator is illustrated by a giant reservoir using up to 10,000 cores, for which the CPU and communication time are summarized for the linear and nonlinear algorithms.

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