This paper outlines an approach to simultaneously reduce gas and water production through the design and implementation of an inflow control device (ICD) completion for a horizontal production well in the North Amethyst pool. The procedure uses Schlumberger’s Petrel modelling software, Schlumberger’s reservoir simulator, ECLIPSE, and a multi-segmented well (MSW) model to optimally configure an ICD completion within a reservoir model. This approach utilizes the reservoir model to generate ternary plots (oil, gas and water) that represent three-phase movement within the reservoir. The use of MSW enables the dynamic display of a virtual production logging tool (PLT) plot, representing the expected three-phase inflow performance along the wellbore. Both ternary and PLT plots identify the locations of high gas and high water inflow zones along the wellbore.

With these zones identified, various configurations of ICD completions are designed to control these breakthrough zones and are then simulated. ICD equipment options, such as reduced nozzle sizes and blank zones, are considered in the design. The simulation results of the various ICD configurations are compared to determine the optimal design. The design objectives are to optimize oil inflow, oil rate, and ultimate recovery by delaying and reducing gas and water production. The produced liquid rate was also optimized with rate sensitivities for each ICD configuration which led to a design that further reduces gas and water production.

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