This paper will contain details of the following aspects of Qatar Shell GTL limited's implementation of leadership safety management.
The continuing incidence of safety accidents in the construction and projects industry has driven the recognition that safety management requires a different approach from focusing solely on occupational safety and implementation of an HSSE Management System (HSSE MS).
The management at Pearl GTL committed to emabarking on a leadership safety journey. Managers needed training, coaching and ongoing support to grow as safety leaders and support the development of the safety culture at Pearl GTL. The attributes of a good safety leader have been identified through personal experiences and practiced within a framework of five themes.
The five themes identified to frame and focus the developing Pearl GTL safety culture are: Worker's Welfare, Training, Life Critical Activities, Communications and Leadership. Activities were undertaken in each of these themes to engage the workforce and build the desired safety culture. This paper will describe the activities in each of these themes.
Recognition of good safety performance, rather than focusing on what was being done wrong, was a tool successfully used by Shell management during site visits. Recognition, often in the form of a telephone card, along with a request to call home and let the family know he was safe and recognised for doing a good job, drove a culture of compliance and intervention rather than a culture of perceived blame. Celebration of individual, team and site-wide safety performance was strongly encouraged to motivate and energise the workforce and to thank them for their contribution to Pearl GLT successes. Pearl GTL Safety Days and celebrations will be described.