The 1992 SPE PETROLEUM COMPUTER CONFERENCE introduced a new concept, the SOFTWARE SHOWCASE. This new program is intended to be similar to the "COMPARATIVE SOLUTIONS IN RESERVOIR SIMULATION" project that has been a popular feature of the SPE Symposium in Reservoir Simulation for a number of years. The Program Committee chose pressure transient analysis software as the SHOWCASE topic for the initial outing. A total of four (4) problem sets were developed from actual field data-sets from CONOCO and TEXACO.

Ten vendors and service companies answered the call for papers and the results of their efforts are presented in this paper. We should point out that there is no "correct" or "unique" to the four sample problems based upon the information furnished to the participants. The overall intent of this paper is NOT to present either a direct or implied endorsement of any one software product but to spur spirited discussion in the are of well testing software and to provide a service to SPE members who might be involved in the evaluation of transient pressure analysis programs.

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