A team was formed to solve field-wide conformance problems in a San Andres (dolomite) unit of the Slaughter Field, Hockley Co., Texas. The team's goal was to increase oil production and decrease production costs by understanding fluid movement through the reservoir. The team was comprised of operating and service company personnel who performed data analysis, and developed engineering and solution designs.

The reservoir conformance team identified, quantified, and fully described field conformance problems. Team members focused on understanding fluid movement through the total reservoir rather than on single wells. They developed a framework of data for designing successful conformance solutions. This framework includes data about the reservoir, completion design, drilling and workover history, production and well-test history, logs, diagnostic analysis, and placement options. The framework serves as a data-collection tool and as a tool for identifying missing data.1 

This project involves the following tasks: (1) analyzing approximately 300 wells, (2) identifying conformance candidate (pilot) wells, (3) implementing the pilot wells, (4) analyzing the results from the pilot wells, and (5) applying those results to the rest of the unit.

In this project, team members developed the typical data analysis, reservoir and production engineering proposals, and solutions proposals, and also thoroughly reviewed the customer's economic drivers. In these mature units, enhancing recovery and production rates and reducing costs were important factors.

Treatments have been placed and analyzed for sweep improvement, CO2 reduction, and water cycling-breakthroughs.

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