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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production and Operations Symposium, March 27–29, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-141456-MS
... a hydrostatic pressure of 131 psi. The differential pressure that the plug is subjected to from the bottom or downstream side is -9097 psi (131 psi – 9228 psi). Positive Test The positive test is the customary test applied to a CP and sometimes a CFP. After the plug is set and gas in the casing has been...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production and Operations Symposium, March 27–29, 2011
Paper Number: SPE-142075-MS
... are also employed. While effective for larger leaks, these methods can produce nebulous results with smaller leaks and can be time consuming. The frequency spectrum a leak produces is a function of differential pressure, leak magnitude, and leak geometry. These properties determine whether the frequency...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production and Operations Symposium, April 4–8, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-120128-MS
... drilling fluid property Upstream Oil & Gas pull force cake thickness misclassification differential pressure prediction membership function neural network fluid loss control mud cake thickness sticking pipe spe 120128 neural network mud cake differential function 1 discriminant...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production and Operations Symposium, April 4–8, 2009
Paper Number: SPE-120636-MS
... to the surface during the next valve open period. Over time period from [A-1] the plunger falls past the tubing collar recess and acoustic pulses are generated from the rapid release of the differential pressure across the plunger. This acoustic pulse, which is generated at the tubing collar recess, travels...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Production and Operations Symposium, March 31–April 3, 2007
Paper Number: SPE-106705-MS
...-completion process. The sleeve and swelling packer system (SSPS) enables accurately located, pinpoint stimulation of several payzones through the casing wall. The stimulation sleeves, rated to 10,000 psi differential pressure, can be opened or closed in a single coiled-tubing (CT) or jointed-pipe trip...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the Production and Operations Symposium, March 31–April 3, 2007
Paper Number: SPE-106983-MS
... gel strength slurry permeability cement property drilling fluid property casing and cementing fluid loss value carman-kozeny equation spe 106983 transition state slurry equation transition period cement slurry differential pressure drilling fluid selection and formulation cement...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production and Operations Symposium, March 23–25, 2003
Paper Number: SPE-80945-MS
... application differential pressure upstream oil & gas completion installation and operations tolerance performance envelope selection consequence requirement manufacturer completion engineer packer standardization envelope assembly downhole intervention failure rating envelope design...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production and Operations Symposium, March 23–25, 2003
Paper Number: SPE-80901-MS
... obtained in this test. Some general conclusions are made for the design for future treatments. injection precipitation methanol-water mixture productivity core differential pressure pond field hatter methanol treatment water sample effluent flow rate brine flow rate methanol differential...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, March 28–31, 1999
Paper Number: SPE-52150-MS
..., permeability is sufficient to interfere with the transportation and distribution of pack sand from total depth to dogleg when positive differential pressure is maintained. The goal of this modeling experiment was to predict whether the formation's permeability at the sandface could be reduced enough to allow...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, March 28–31, 1999
Paper Number: SPE-52123-MS
... of electronic gas-lift controllers eliminated the problem. gas lift upstream oil & gas injection gas allocation supply pressure oil production freezing differential pressure gas lift injection rate fluctuation terry bergeron gas injection rate andrew cooksey scott reppel spe 52123 spe...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production Operations Symposium, March 21–23, 1993
Paper Number: SPE-25489-MS
... hydraulic fracturing drilling fluids and materials resistance interpretation compression deposition pressure differential drilling fluid selection and formulation upstream oil & gas proppant pressure increase differential pressure reduction filtration pressure drop experiment drilling...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production Operations Symposium, April 7–9, 1991
Paper Number: SPE-21678-MS
... is required to eliminate such errors. Combining this information with additional data to be developed during the planned research will lead to a description of an EFM system to minimize errors in transient flow measurement situations. differential pressure flow measurement frequency production...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production Operations Symposium, March 13–14, 1989
Paper Number: SPE-18873-MS
... length artificial lift system differential pressure equation stator artificial lift method horsepower progressing cavity pump efficiency rotor reservoir surveillance society maintenance production control brake horsepower investment production monitoring spe 18873 prhp compression fit...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production Operations Symposium, March 13–14, 1989
Paper Number: SPE-18839-MS
... differential firing head productivity index society of petroleum engineers completion installation and operations seating nipple differential pressure upstream oil & gas formation damage firing head sucker rod pump assembly colombia government artificial lift system snba beam pumping control...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production Operations Symposium, March 1–3, 1981
Paper Number: SPE-9752-MS
... larger pressure differentials into the wellbore exist while perforating. permeability acid completion installation and operations workover fluid kpa upstream oil & gas gravel differential well productivity wellbore completion result perforation hole spe 9752 differential pressure...

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