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Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Mid-Continent Operations Symposium, March 28–31, 1999
Paper Number: SPE-52134-MS
... and permeability that will be attained at saturation, are determined by correlating the experimental data with these models. This study reveals that swelling of clayey rocks is essentially controlled by absorption of water by a water-exposed surface hindered diffusion process and the swelling-dependent properties...
Proceedings Papers

Paper presented at the SPE Production Operations Symposium, April 2–4, 1995
Paper Number: SPE-29516-MS
..., an epithermal neutron porosity and a Pulsed Neutron Capture log PNC type tool, e.g., TDT, for formation absorption cross section. For porosity, LIPS considers any formation as a composite of two major components, the pore space and the matrix. LIPS deals with the matrix as a black box where it calculates its...

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