The Gas Research Institute (GRI) has developed a project that is aimed at accelerating the transfer of several hydraulic fracturing related technologies to the marketplace. The project, known as the "Research and Development (R&D) Wells for Technology Transfer", was initiated in the spring of 1992 and to date has been applied with nine producers on a total of 18 wells. The primary technology transfer vehicle used in the project is the cooperative research well, which is jointly sponsored by GRI and the participating producer, Emphasis is placed on heavy hands-on technology training and application by the producer, rather than on conventional GRI contractor involvement.
The new technologies that are being promoted in this project include: special core tests and analysis; formation stress testing; expanded logging programs; three-dimensional fracture modeling using FRACPRO; fracture diagnostics; fracture fluid quality control; and special well clean-up techniques.
Results from the project indicate that technology transfer using this technique can be effective under the right circumstances. The success is heavily dependent upon training, producer involvement, timing, and previous experience with hydraulic fracturing theory and technologies.