Sucker rod computations in accordance with Ref. 1 are both tedious and time consuming. Each time a pumping parameter is changed, such as rod designation, pumping speed, the calculation must be repeated.

Three programs to handle these calculations have been written for the Hewlett Packard HP 87 XM microcomputer.

The first program is a dynamic analysis program for either an API Class I or Class III pump.

The second program performs the detailed calculations in accordance with Ref. 1 and prints a form that is essentially the same as the form No. 11L-1 of Ref. 1.

The third program performs the "RP 11L calculation" for a number of rod designations printing out:

  • Total rod weight

  • Pump displacement

  • Peak polish rod load

  • Minimum polish rod load

  • Peak torque

  • Polish rod horsepower

  • Maximum stress

  • Ratio of daily production to polish rod horsepower

for each API rod number in the range of API rod numbers being considered.

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