The Casabe Technology Alliance between Ecopetrol and Schlumberger started its operation in 2004 in Casabe field. The field came originally into production several decades ago and by 2004 was producing close to 5,000 BOPD.

The alliance has since redevelopment the field with an aggressive strategy to increase Oil production through selective water injection for secondary recovery. The redevelopment considered a significant increase of production and selective injector wells, something that poses a challenge in terms of injection and production data handling, engineering worklfows for better decision making.

During the time Casabe Project began complicate by the workover, drilling and waterflooding activities that are performing for the alliance beside the complicate mature reservoir condition and the original date base, that was un integrated, with duplicity data, without control quality, storage limit, etc. Where at the end of the days the engineers were spending more than 80% of time, searching date and 20% of time integrating and analyzing information to solve field problem and make decision.

For that reason Casabe alliance decide creation a project that helps integrate different components to reduced engineer time to analysis field data and make appropriate and quickly decision.

This project key implementation stages included:

  1. Component 1: Data Management

    • Data consolidation and creation of one unique data source of information for Casabe's asset historical production.

  2. Component 2: Production business processes and mapping of information flows.

    • Analyze and document the current injection / production process, to identify improvements related to data management

  3. Component 3: Production information and engineering workflows management

    • Integrate System→ Identify workflows based on reservoir surveillance.

    • Data visualization and alarms generation.

    • Link operational database with the other applications, like as: Reservoir Monitoring and Analysis.

    • Ensure data quality for the follow up and analysis.

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