Diagnosing well performance problems before stimulation treatment is an important step to successfully improve a well's productivity. Normally, the method used to do this is well testing. Unfortunately, often no well testing is done in a well before planning a stimulation treatment. An operation engineer then has to determine the causes of a well underperformance without well testing data. This is one challenge an operation engineer has to face before he/she designs a stimulation job. Another common challenge is inadequate data available to analyze a well's performance. In many instances, the only data available to an operation engineer is the production data. The critical questions then are how to get the insight of a well's production problem, and how to evaluate well performance and reservoir potential by the limited data. These are real challenges for engineers attempting to develop an effective stimulation design. The modern production analysis derived from pressure transient in well test is a practical and economical alternative to well testing for evaluating well performance, and the needs of a treatment.
This paper presents an effective method of how to quickly identify well problems with a limited amount data. Two case studies have been conducted in how to assist an operation engineer in development of a proper stimulation plan.