Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) is operating two Heavy Oil fields. Field A aims at production by Cyclic Steam Stimulation (CSS), followed by steam flood. Field B envisages primary recovery through cold production, followed by non-thermal Enhanced Oil Recovery (EOR). This requires drilling and completion of large number of wells. Implementing Well, Reservoir and Facilities Management (WRFM) and Smart Field approach will be a key requirement for operation excellence in these fields.
Currently both fields have some wells in production, mostly as single isolated wells or wells in 5-acre/10-acre spacing. These pilot projects aimed at de-risking the commercial phase, which is to follow in the coming years. These wells are the training ground for young KOC staff to learn how to work in integrated teams using WRFM processes.
WRFM processes are tailor-made for KOC's operating environment. These processes include Digital Oil Field based on Exception Based Surveillance (to flag out only those wells and facilities outside of their operating envelope and/or optimization window) and Production System Optimization. This would help to eliminate operational bottlenecks, leading to optimization in manpower to deal with large number of wells. It is expected to be achieved by combining existing best practices of International Oil Companies (IOC) with existing KOC applications, leveraging successful global practices.
The paper shall highlight the timeline, activities and organizational changes underway to effect the transformation from existing operation to a larger and more complex development that includes continuous drilling, completion and well intervention (CWI) and facilities installation occurring simultaneously.
The implementation of WRFM Processes along with Digital field will achieve the production and operation goals by reducing well, artificial lift, and facility downtime. This innovative production optimization system by enabling efficient decision-making process shall lower the cost per bbl. and reduce down time by implementing automated surveillance workflow.