Central element of MOL Hungarian Oil and Gas Plc. (MOL) US strategy is to increase the hydrocarbon production at Hungarian oil and gas fields using technologies that are more efficient. The main goals of this activity are to increase the recovery factor in fields depleted with extensive water flooding, improving efficiency of recovery technologies. For this purpose, new materials and technologies should be developed and applied at both Hungarian and foreign matured oil fields. That is the biggest challenge of the research and development (R&D) activity of the MOL Upstream. The R&D project began more than ten years ago to meet these challenges and increase the oil recovery factor of the Algyo field, which is the largest Hungarian oil field. This paper describes how a countless number of surfactants, co-surfactants and their mixtures were synthetized, developed and tested in the laboratory to achieve the objective, developing a combined surfactant-polymer (SP) flooding technology. The most important properties of these complex fluids were the thermal stability at reservoir conditions (98°C and 170 bar), the colloid chemical stability in electrolyte medium (formation water) and the compatibility with reservoir rock and pore filling fluids. The primary findings of this job show that several surfactants were effective at high temperature; low salinity reservoir conditions and have good solubilisation and displacement effect and low interfacial tension and low reversible adsorption on reservoir rock. Synergetic effect was observed between surfactants and polymers therefore surfactant-polymer mixtures were produced and tested in core flooding tests. Based on numerous displacement tests on reservoir core plugs it can be stated that the calculated recovery factor was 20-25% using the developed SP mixtures. The successful laboratory displacement tests were also reproduced by numerical simulation on numerical core samples as well as the injectivity test on the new 3D reservoir model that was carried out to see the effect of developed SP mixture under real reservoir conditions. This paper will present the results of several years of research and development work for SP formulation targeting SP flooding in high pressure and high temperature reservoir. The field implementation through an injectivity test will also be presented demonstrating that injection of 2,000 m3 SP solution has huge effect on oil production even 3 years later. Based on the outstanding field results a SP flooding pilot was started in 2016.