
In the SiChuan gas fields of China, because of the complex geologic conditions, almost all the active water invasions appear to be water breakthrough along fractures. These seal the path of gas flowing in fractured gas reservoirs, as a result largely reducing the efficiency of gas production. Currently, it is very difficult to simulate such fracture water breakthrough using known fracture models (e.g, dual porosity, single permeability and dual porosity, dual permeability).

In this paper, we established a fracture water breakthrough numerical simulation model of water drive gas reservoir after we extensively investigated typical water breakthrough in SiChuan gas fields. Next, we applied this model to simulate the bottom water gas field of WeiYuan of SiChuan province and suggested effective water preventing measures. Then we gave four kinds of water invasion models: slow water coning, vertical water breakthrough, horizontal water breakthrough, vertical water breakthrough and horizontal breakthrough. Our simulation increased our knowledge of the mechanism of water invasion. Our models have been widely used in gas production in SiChuan fractured gas reservoirs.

P. 437

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