This paper describes the chemical control and integrity management steps taken during the commissioning and start-up of the Combined Heat and Power plant (CHP) of a large field redevelopment. The chemical controls were carried out using a combination of new and established chemistries in oxygen scavenging, corrosion inhibition and scale inhibition. Carefully designed passivation and slugdosing, in addition to a clear and robust sampling and analysis plan, had a direct impact on the development of these operations. The lessons learned of two boiler systems are discussed together with the improvements implemented to achieve fit for purpose steam generation. This has included for instance, particular attention on the monitoring of boiler feed water quality and use of hydrogen meters. Furthermore magnetite formation was established for two boiler systems. This was confirmed by pH trends in the high pressure drums, sample appearance, hydrogen measurements and analysis of solids taken during various stages of monitoring. The results suggest that magnetite formation occurred at conditions different to what is the established rule of thumb during high pressure start-ups, e.g. 30 bar. It is speculated that such behavior was influenced by the chemical control selected. Key performance indicators (e.g. phosphate operational window) as well as automated chemical dosing is allowing good integrity control of the steam generation system as the facility migrates into steady state operation.

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