Conoco (U.K.) Limited (CUKL) has a proud history of achievement in its approach to Health and Safety management. Our motto, Our work is never so urgent or important that we cannot take time to do it safely, fosters a principled approach to safety management and has served us well for many years.

The continuing challenge is to ensure that the organisation does not become complacent in respect of safety management. Whilst strong leadership and management commitment are critical in the achievement of a safe performance, they represent only one measure of success. Conoco believes that the key to excellence in this area is the enrolment of the entire workforce; the employees and contractor personnel alike who are engaged in the work of the company thus creating a balanced approach to Health and Safety management.

This paper will describe clearly the action taken, primarily since the beginning of 1997, in achieving the balanced approach while considering the consequent effect on safety performance.

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