A deployment system has been developed which allows for the insertion of any length of Bottom Hole Assembly (BHA) both into and out of wells, under pressure. Simultaneously a Down Hole Swab Valve (DHSV) has been developed which also permits the insertion of long BHAs into live wells. These developments mean that the lubricator height is no longer the limiting factor for the length of a BHA. These techniques can be applied to:

  • Long perforating guns

  • Long logging tools

  • Running screens or other completion components into live wells

The deployment system has been used in the field to run 910 ft of 2-7/8" perforating guns into a horizontal well in the Dutch sector of the North Sea. The first use of the DHSV is anticipated in a multilateral well in the Danish sector of the North Sea.

The debut for both systems was intended for perforating a well in the British sector of the North Sea. This paper explains the process of evaluation, selection, development and testing of both systems. The relative applicability of each system is discussed.

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