The Johnston Gas Field lies in blocks 43/26a and 43/27 of the UK sector of the Southern North Sea, 11 km to the Northeast of the Ravenspurn North production platform (Figure 1). The water depth at this location is approximately 145 feet. The field was discovered in April 1990 by the 43/27-1 well and successfully appraised in July 1991, by the 43/26a-8 well.

The field (Figure 2) is formed by a structural trap bounded to the Southwest by a NW-SE trending fault and by structural dip to the north and east. The reservoir itself comprises Permian Lower Leman sandstone exhibiting excellent porosity and permeability characteristics. Recoverable reserves are estimated to be in the range of 155 to 195 BCF. The gas sales contract requires a DCQ of 53 MMSCF/D for a six year plateau, with a peak rate of 90 MMSCF/D. Two wells located near the crest of the structure satisfy the production contract requirements, however a third well may be required in the third year of production. The overall field life is expected to be 13 years.

This paper describes the selection, design and installation, in this field, of the first horizontal subsea trees to be installed from a jack-up.

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