An evaluation of utilising the Peng-Robinson Equation of State to perform the PVT calculations required for pressure-gradient calculations in oil and gas-condensate wells is presented. The evaluation is made using a total of 50 well tests representing 30 different wellstream molar compositions. Twenty-five of the fluid systems are gas-condensates with liquid yields ranging from 5 to 194 bbls/MMcf. The remaining five compositions are from black-oil fluid systems with gas-oil ratios ranging from 481 to 2,026 scf/bbl. The compositional and well-test data are summarised in Tables 3 and 4.

Multiphase flow pressure-gradient (MFPG) calculations were made using nine well-known correlations. PVT properties required by these correlations were derived using compositional and more traditional methods. The results of the calculations were compared with measured data to ascertain the suitability of the various methods for handling PVT calculations along with the overall general applicability of the MFPG correlations.

This paper is not intended to provide an in-depth discussion of the various pressure-gradient calculation methods as the information is readily available from several gradient calculations and some general observations made as a result of the calculations.

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