Increasingly, the reservoirs remaining to be developed have lower gravity, particularly for the older offshore basins such as the North Sea. Optimal waterflood VRR management will be the key to their economic success. Current industry paradigms and regulatory mandates assume that the light oil practice of complete voidage replacement, VRR = 1, should be continued for the heavy oil reservoirs to be waterflooded. Empirical data, laboratory experiments, and mathematical simulation methods indicate, however, that for heavy oil waterfloods the optimal voidage replacement ratio (VRR) is less than one. Analysis of empirical data from an Alaskan heavy oil reservoir (18 API) show that after water breakthrough, periods of VRR < 1 are important for increased recovery. Laboratory data from an Alaskan heavy oil (12 API) waterflooded in a five foot long ‘big can’ show significantly higher recoveries with VRR < 1. Numerical simulations are directionally in agreement with these empirical & laboratory observations even when only using conventional concepts.

Many more recovery mechanisms are activated with VRR < 1 than with VRR = 1. Some are readily understood with existing conventional concepts. Common geological depositional environments do not permit complete waterflood sweep, and ‘cul de sacs’ of unswept oil are left behind that can only be depleted with the activation of solution gas drive by VRR < 1. Less conventional concepts include the chemical changes that accompany pressure declines, that result in more surface activity and increased in-situ emulsion multiphase flow, which may self-divert to increase waterflood conformance. The numerical simulation of the VRR < 1 process is difficult and only a limited number of the mechanisms can be effectively modeled. Nonetheless, directional trends have been identified.

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