eni, through its e&p Division, operates in a wide range of natural environments with different degrees of ecological sensitivities. The company is committed to the conservation of biodiversity, ecosystems and the services they provide in all areas of operations and all phases of a project’s lifecycle.
Over the past decade, eni e&p has been working in partnership with the international conservation NGO Fauna and Flora International to develop a distinctive approach for a timely and effective management of Biodiversity and Ecosystem Service (BES) issues within its operations worldwide.
eni e&p’s approach includes (i) global mapping and assessment of all operating sites against areas of high biodiversity value, (ii) implementation of site-specific BES assessments and action plans in priority existing sites, and (iii) incorporation of BES evaluations into ESHIAs in new sites and projects.
The methodology for BES assessment and action plan has been field-tested in a wide range of operational, environmental and social conditions. The Nikaitchuq site, operated by the subsidiary eni US Operating Company in the Alaskan North Slope, was part of these pilots. The experience was key to building our capacity on how to approach and manage BES issues in the challenging Arctic environment.
The Nikaitchuq site is a flagship operation for the company. The high profile of oil activities in the area, stringent environmental compliance requirements, scrutiny from local communities and NGOs and need to perform as a sectoral leader are all critical for maintaining the license to operate and to ensure future access to resources in the Arctic.
The Nikaitchuq assessment identified BES risks and opportunities associated with this operational, ecological and social context and produced a targeted action plan. This paper illustrates the methodological approach developed to address and manage reliance and potential impacts of Nikaitchuq operations on BES with a focus on the actions implemented on birds and polar bears.