With the new IMO regulation MEPC 159(55) coming into force by January 2010 for sewage treatment plants, more stringent limit values have to be considered for certain effluent parameters also in the offshore industry. Proper sewage treatment system design is of course the first step and a prerequisite to avoid operational problems, environmental pollution, and also to safeguard operating staff. However, with the new regulation coming into force and an increasing number of sewage treatment plants been developed and are brought to the market by various manufacturers, owners ask themselves: what is the proper product and reliable technology to meet our individual requirements?

The objective of this presentation is to generally inform about new IMO MEPC 159(55) regulation, its effect on the offshore industry and to provide an overview and comparison about certain technologies available. The second part of the presentation will discuss the treatment of bilge waters in the offshore industry. Here again with general information about the respective IMO regulation MEPC 107(49), and also with an overview and comparison about certain technologies available.

The conclusion will also include an outlook on possible future developments in the field of sewage and bilge water treatment.

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