An analysis framework is presented that unifies the subsurface and surface disciplines involved with developing offshore projects. The method treats the complex interactions between surface and subsurface aspects of a production problem as a single system. The framework optimizes and assesses the risks and uncertainties associated with facility concept selection and sizing, with consideration of relevant subsurface and surface uncertainties and risks.

There is considerable uncertainty in the subsurface; this manifests itself in terms of a range of reservoir deliverability and reserves. In many projects, this subsurface uncertainty is not properly conveyed to the surface teams who are charged with selecting the best facilities design for the project. Often, the result of this disconnect yield suboptimal facilities followed by expensive retrofitting. The framework presented automates optimization of the concept design with rigorous reservoir and facilities modeling.

Two case studies are presented, both with multiple reservoirs connected through a common pipeline network. The first case is a typical deepwater U.S. Gulf of Mexico project. The second case is more typical of a medium water depth development in northern Europe. Full scenario analyses of multiple production platform alternatives and number of wells optimization is evaluated within a context of reservoir volumetric and drive mechanism uncertainties.

This framework accomplishes the following: it links physics-based reservoir deliverability and expert-system based facilities screening tools with the economics analysis in a unified workflow, and it applies advanced non-linear optimization to deliver better decisions regarding facilities selection and sizing.

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