This paper covers the HPHT Gas-Condensate Exploration Well, 6406/9-1 on the Onyx SW prospect of the Norway Sea in the late spring of 2005 (Figure 1 and 2). The well test design and execution is presented in the paper, including; up front planning, job design, technology selection and review of the test results vs. the objectives for the well test. The paper also addresses how health, safety and environmental considerations were handled.

Traditional well testing methods and equipment have evolved over the years, adapting to changing requirements. This has resulted in requirements for more complex data gathering over a shorter time with much stricter environmental and safety constraints. Coupled with increased needs for more accurate reservoir data for prospect evaluation, this has put a higher emphasis on upfront planning and improved technical performance together with extensive use of advanced fluid data gathering methodologies.

This paper demonstrates how the above was addressed for the Onyx SW and how the results compared with the set goals. The application of the latest technologies in Gas-Condensate well testing was used on this job. Experiences from this were later used as the basis for other gas-condensate prospects, including those in the Russian sector of the Barents Sea.

This paper focuses in particular on Fluid Sampling, Surface Well Testing and Subsea equipment. As several service companies were involved on this particular job, we have only included some general and limited content for the other services involved.

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