Reduced environmental impact is the goal when choosing produced water treatment technologies. On the Norwegian sector the method used for quantifying this impact is the Environmental Impact Factor, EIF. This method is computerized in a tool that calculates the environmental impact from each of a number of chemical component groups that are present in produced water.

Re-injection of produced water is the preferred option, and mostly used when pressure support is required. This paper, however, describes new treatment technologies aimed at produced water being released to sea. The technologies are suitable for different produced water compositions. The components in the produced water that contribute to the environmental impact are mainly: aliphatic hydrocarbons, heavy aromatic compounds (PAH), alkylated phenols and man added production chemicals. At several Statoil operated fields the corrosion inhibitor and H2S scavenger are giving a significant contribution.

Several new technologies will be described. Statoil has had a leading role and actively participated in the development and qualification of most of these technologies. The results from this work will be presented. The technologies will include the CTour process, Epcon CFU, droplet coalescing technologies as well as new technologies to reduce discharge of production chemicals.

The main conclusion is that knowledge is needed about which compounds contribute to the environmental impact of produced water before deciding which technology to use.

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