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Proceedings Papers
SPE Offshore Europe
September 6–9, 1983
Aberdeen, United Kingdom
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SPE Offshore Europe
Some ‘High-Impact’ Corrosion Problems in Production Operations
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
High-Volume Electrical Submersible Pumping in the Sulphate-Scaling Environment of the Piper Field
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Utilisation of The Peng-Robinson Equation of State in Multiphase Flow Pressure-Gradient Calculations in Oil and Gas Wells
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Gaslift Optimization - Claymore Field
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Topside Facilities Design for Hutton TLP
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Noise and Vibration Control Offshore Towards an Improved Design Procedure for Topside Facilities
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
The Design, Construction & Operation of the Helicopter Underwater Escape Trainer
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
A Comparison of the Performance, Cost and Environmental Effects of Diesel-Based and Low-Toxicity Oil Mud Systems
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Effects of Temperature & Pressure Rheology of Less Toxic Oil Muds
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
The New Remote-Controlled and Multiangle Bent Sub (Telepilote) for Drilling Trajectory and Corrections
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Small-Diameter Inertial-Grade Sensors Significantly Enhance Wellbore Survey Accuracy
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Better Turbodrilllng Can Give Dramatic Reductions in Drilling Costs
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Development Of New-Generation, High-Pressure Marine Wellheads
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
On The Fatigue Analysis of a Differential Thread Connector
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
A Six-Year Simulated-History Match of The Piper Field
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Field Examples of Production-Logging Problems in Large-Diameter Deviated Wells with Biphasic Flow and their Implications on Reservoir Management
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Troubleshooting Mature Waterfloods
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Evaluation of Splashzone Maintenance Coating Systems by Accelerated Laboratory Testing and Field Trials
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Fibre Optics Improving Deepwater ROV Pipeline Inspection
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
The Fatigue Resistance and Hysteresis of Man-Made Fibre Ropes
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Underwater Manifold Centre - Drilled- Cuttings Disposal System
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Development Of A Diverless Subsea Flowline And Control-Line Connection System
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Choice and Application of Motion Compensation Systems (MCS)
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Test Installation of Subsea Production System and Flowlines in Deep Water
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
Flexible Dynamic Riser for Floating Production Facility in The North Sea
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
A North Sea Template Well Tieback System: Design and Operational Experience
Paper presented at the SPE Offshore Europe, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, September 1983. doi:
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